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What to Know About Gum Pain

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What to Know About Gum Pain

When you are experiencing a toothache, you presumably go straight to the dentist. But what would you do when you have gum pain?

There are several reasons why gums hurt. But many gum problems do not cause pain immediately. The possible causes vary from quite minor to extremely serious.

Gum Disease

Initial signs of this are redness, swelling, and bleeding. They usually happen when you do not floss or brush your teeth thoroughly or frequently enough. You usually won’t feel pain at this initial stage.

Do you have aching teeth? Pain may be originating from somewhere other than your teeth.

You should have a doctor check your gum pain because it could be a sign of gum disease.

If you do not do a more reliable job flossing and brushing, the gum disease might get more serious. Over time, your gums might begin to pull away from the teeth, forming small pockets. Tiny portions of food can get held in them, prompting infection. It can make the teeth unfix or the bone supporting them in place to break down, which points to tooth loss. You may not or may experience pain at this point.

Canker Sores

These can emerge anywhere in the mouth, including the gums. They regularly manifest as red spots in the mouth, but they can have a white coating, too. There is no specific remedy for canker sores, but they tend to disappear on their own in a week or two. If they do not, see your dentist or doctor.


If you smoke or utilise “smokeless” merchandise like chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip, you probably have gum disease.

And because smokeless tobacco is normally placed between the gum and cheek, it can generate more harm to the mouth than cigarettes. Your gums could pull away from the teeth, and sores could accumulate inside the gums and mouth. It could further lead to oral cancer.

Hormonal Changes

If you are a woman, hormones can influence your gums at various times in your life. During adolescence, more blood flows to the gums, and they could feel pain, inflated, or tender. They might as well feel sore during your period.

If you are expecting, your hormone levels climb and can harm your gums. Communicate with your doctor if you see that your gums hurt or bleed.

Abscessed Tooth

When you have a disease by the base of your tooth, it creates pus pockets or canker. These do not always hurt, but several do. Some abscessed teeth additionally cause the gums to swell. If your gums are bruised or swollen, consult your dentist. You may require a root canal to handle it.

Oral Cancer

This can begin on your inner cheek, tonsils, tongue, or gums. You or your dentist may detect infection because it seems like a sore in your mouth that just not healing. It might not be severe at first. But watch for it — and other sores in your mouth or your gums. Consult the dentist if they do not heal within weeks.

How to Relieve Gum Pain

To relieve simple gum pain, you can try gargling with lukewarm water.

Try these natural home remedies for gum pain:

  • Wash your mouth with lukewarm saltwater.
  • Use toothbrushes with soft or extra-soft hairs.
  • Use over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), or as directed.

If your gums hurt and having a white coating on cheeks or tongue, you might have a disease called thrush. It is a yeast infection. Consuming yogurt with live cultures can help, but you should consult a dentist or doctor if it is not removed.

If you have white mouth ulcers with red borders and gum pain, it could be canker wounds. They are not infectious and typically go away in 1 to 3 weeks. Canker wounds that are larger than a half-inch can be unbearable and need to be attended by a dentist.

To reduce your pain in the meantime, avoid salty, acidic, and spicy foods.

When to Consult the Dentist

If your gums bleed or hurt for almost weeks, consult your dentists. Red, inflamed gums that bleed quickly are a sign of gingivitis. You can have your gums back to normal by flossing and brushing daily and having your teeth cleaned periodically. If you do not treat it, gingivitis can head to a very severe gum disease named periodontitis, which can create painful sacs of pus called cankers. It can lead to tooth loss.

Gum disease has been connected to heart disease, so it is necessary to take care of your gums and have your gum pain checked.