A Conversation About Your Family’s Health

Foundational Wellness Advice in a Quick Fix World

When Do You Need Emergency Dental Attention?

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When Do You Need Emergency Dental Attention?

Knowing the difference between a non-urgent and urgent dental emergency can save not just your tooth, but also your life. For instance, a broken tooth will need to be treated by a dental emergency professional within the same day – regardless of whether the accident took place with the dental clinic’s office hours.

There are different levels of urgency when it comes to a dental emergency.  An emergency dentist will be able to advise you on what steps to take depending on your situation. In particular, you should know what steps to take to ensure the protection of your oral health while waiting for proper dental treatment.

In this post, we’ll know about different dental emergencies and their urgency levels. If you are experiencing severe oral pain, we strongly suggest that you reach out to your emergency dental professional as soon as possible.

Dental Abscess

This occurs when there is swelling inside your mouth and close to the affected tooth. A dental abscess is also usually caused by a bacterial infection. It can result in extreme pain that could make anyone cry – and that is not an exaggeration.

Toothaches - whether mild or severe - calls for dental attention.

Individuals suffering from a dental abscess can also develop diarrhea, vomiting, chills, fever, and nausea – overall, it’s not going to be a pretty picture. Thus, you must seek dental emergency treatment if you experience excruciating pain, tightness in your chest, and difficulty in swallowing.

While waiting for treatment, you can try rinsing your mouth with salted water. Still, no home remedy can treat a dental abscess. A dental abscess is categorized as a dental emergency; therefore, you must seek medical attention right away.

Jaw Fracture or Dislocation

A fractured or dislocated jaw can cause severe pain. In some cases, it can also lead to life-endangering situations. The jaw is right where your head and neck are, which are at risk for traumatic injuries. Thus, if you get into an accident affecting that area of your body, go to the emergency room immediately.

If you get a fractured or dislocated jaw, you can apply a cold pack as you wait for treatment. A cold pack will help reduce inflammation.

Knocked-Out Teeth

If you have accidentally knocked out your tooth or teeth, don’t lose it! Make sure you save it so your dentist can try to put it back. You can rise the knocked-out tooth in water; you can also use milk. After rinsing, make sure to store it securely tucked in inside your mouth, between your cheek and your gum. This will keep the tooth moist. Also, make sure that the root is intact.

Your emergency dentist will evaluate the damage. He or she can then recommend the best course of treatment option for your case.

Bleeding or Swollen Gums

Some may disregard bleeding gums. However, this may be a symptom of a more severe condition. If you are experiencing frequent bleeding in your gums, go to the dental emergency room. You can then know what the cause of this is.

Your gums can also be swollen for several reasons. It can either be an indication of gum disease or a foreign object getting stuck underneath the gums that may cause an infection. Whatever the cause is, swollen gums need immediate dental attention.


Many of us will and have experienced a toothache at some point. The intensity of pain will classify it either as an urgent or non-urgent dental emergency. Either way, suffering from toothache calls for dental treatment.

If it’s a dull toothache, you can relieve the pain by taking over-the-counter pain medication or rinsing with warm salt water as you wait for your dental appointment. However, if the pain is intolerable, then it could be a sign of infection. Don’t wait for the clinic’s regular office hours to get it treated. Go to a 24-hour dental emergency clinic for severe toothache.

It Can Happen to Anyone

Outside of normal business hours, you should go to an emergency dentist if you experience any dental trauma.

Dental emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere, and to anyone. It may occur while you’re sleeping in the middle of the night, while you’re on vacation, or when you’re at work. Whenever it does, don’t delay getting treatment.

If your dental emergency happened outside of regular office hours, go to an emergency dentist. Usually, your dentist’s answering machine will leave detailed instructions on what to do in case of a dental emergency. The sooner you get treatment, the less you will be at risk and will need costly dental restoration treatment.